
Buying a Luxury Villa in Greece

Acquiring a Superior Summer Residence for you and your Family

Acting primarily as a Buyer Agency with very select property listings, we approach each enquiry as the beginning of an exclusive search process dedicated to finding the right home for you. Apart from scanning the property market for prospects, White Key’s extensive network of contacts gives us advance notice of potential properties for sale, while our personal relationships with the owners of the finest real estate in Greece, allows our clients access to properties that are not officially in the market or initially not meant for sale at all.

Effectively assisting our clients to identify the right properties, with proficient presentations, targeted property inspections and valuations and comparison of short listed properties, we accentuate on utilizing our rich insight concerning the lifestyle each destination serves and the living experience each potential property offers.

At White Key Realty, we pride ourselves at successfully consulting buyers while offering educated, unbiased opinions, through every step of the purchasing process. With personalized assistance and guidance, together with the client, we are able to design the negotiation strategy and co-ordinate the necessary resources for the due diligence and closing.

Maintaining professional bonds with the construction and design trades, we can help you accomplish a smooth transition and assemble all the resources you need to complete your summer refuge, including managing your property or assisting you in adding it to White Key’s rental portfolio. An effective rental program, can balance your property’s maintenance costs and may also surprise you with a return on your investment. 

Through a series of highly personalized and discreet services, we make it our purpose to hand you the keys to the summer property that is just right for you.